I used to work for a dating website and a social website and I think the key difference between the two is that MGTOW advocates will almost always decide to be with a woman if a woman shows interest in them, whereas with 4B, most of those women have prospects and are asked out, but have chosen not to date.
There’s definitely a big difference in who has more options that I think speaks to the psychology of each movement. With MGTOW it’s very “they can’t reject me if I pretend I’m rejecting them first” but those men are usually quite happy when a prospect comes along, whereas 4B is more like “I could date these men who are asking me out but it actually might not be good for me and my health and goals. I will decline until I find a supportive man.”
So on the surface while they appear to have similarities, the difference is in who has more options. I have noticed MGTOW members often dislike the realization that women (even women they don’t find attractive), typically have more options despite their age, appearance, how many kids they have etc. MGTOW members want to believe women are devalued if they’re not super hot, but most of the time, the women they don’t find attractive still have a few or even many prospects.
The other thing is women who don’t date typically focus on education or building their careers, whereas in my years of having to sift through MGTOW content, most of what they’re talking about is simply tearing down women, how unattractive women are, how they shouldn’t have to pay for things or be nice etc. most of their dialogue is not in building but just in tearing women down and sharing ugly memes that ultimately promote sexism and racism.
And unfortunately, the MGTOW to alt-right pipeline is very real. MGTOW content ends up promoting ideas of eugenics, racism, the idea that people are just naturally superior. This also goes back to the concepts of inherent value I was talking about before. MGTOW members go from saying “this woman is hot and has good genes and this woman is not but she still goes for gigachad” to believing people have these natural attractions and attractiveness due to like the slope of their chin and all kinds of warped beliefs that tie into genes and superiority.
So I think also people and men must be careful, because ultimately MGTOW serves to take confused young men who have trouble talking to girls and turn them into straight up racists.
And no girl owes it to them to date them just to prevent that from happening. It requires introspective work on the part of those men.