PinnedLisa Martensin“Are you okay?”“I raised my kids, now you raise yours,” Mom Says.“I’m done raising kids,” Mom says. “I raised my kids, now you raise yours.”Jun 1623Jun 1623
PinnedLisa Martensin“Are you okay?”At What Point Do Hard-Working Moms Stop Deserving Sympathy?I wrote two short stories, both about a grandmother who did not want to watch her grandchildren. I wrote the same story from two different…Jun 195Jun 195
PinnedLisa Martensin“Are you okay?”“Don’t you wanna babysit your grandkids?” She Asks.“Don’t you wanna babysit your grandkids?” she asks. But it’s not a question, no, it’s an attack—on her life, on her sacrifice.Jun 1732Jun 1732
Lisa Martensin“Are you okay?”“I will be your protector,” Trump said.I normally don’t say anything about what this man says, because at this point I think if you can see everything he’s said, done, and been…Sep 244Sep 244
Lisa Martensin“Are you okay?”LinkedIn Posts Are A Death KnellPhoto by Greg Bulla on UnsplashSep 2211Sep 2211
Lisa Martensin“Are you okay?”I think I finally found my TikTok audience.Photo by Nik on UnsplashSep 91Sep 91
Lisa Martensin“Are you okay?”We Aren’t Getting An Apology From Conspiracy Theorists.I know someone who had a psychotic break from reality. He believed a wild conspiracy where the whole world (including animals) was out to…Sep 41Sep 41
Lisa Martensin“Are you okay?”While you were waiting for me to change my mind about having kids.Photo by Marten Bjork on UnsplashAug 291Aug 291
Lisa Martensin“Are you okay?”Here’s where you’re allowed to exist.Photo by Markus Spiske on UnsplashAug 283Aug 283